Since U.S. Neptune is actively triggered in the August timeframe, especially at the August 1st Solar Eclipse New Moon and the August 16th Lunar Eclipse. It may be useful to cover this information one more time. The configuration in the U.S. Chart that is extremely compelling is the Mars – Neptune square, which is very tight.
Neptune is located at 22 + degrees of Virgo and is elevated, near the top of the chart and therefore emphasized. Neptune is a very slippery planet, and its many meanings all have relevance for the national personality. Neptune in square with U.S. Mars, at 21 + degrees of Gemini, means many things, not least of which is the regard for image and illusion that we see everywhere, from movie stars to flashy commercials, from ghetto dwellers fancy cars to the drugs that the affluent buy for escape from any hint of the reality behind the facade.
One of the ways that this square pops up is in regard to deception and the U.S. Military. There is in fact a long record of deception leading to war, and of deception in the course of pursuing a war, all through United States history. In brief, there was the self-sabotage of the battleship Maine in the harbor of Havana, precipitating the Spanish – American war of 1898; the complicity on the part of President Roosevelt in the attack on Pearl Harbor of December 7, 1941 that began the American involvement in WWII (the attack fit his needs precisely to enter the war, so the intelligence that it was coming was never revealed); the Gulf of Tonkin incident, which was manufactured, that resulted in a broader involvement for the United States in Viet Nam; the green light given by the state department, falsely, to Saddam Hussein to go into Kuwait; the subsequent scare that incubators were being removed from Kuwaiti hospitals, in a drama performed by the daughter of the U.S. Ambassador to Kuwait before congress, also entirely manufactured; the list goes on and on.
Another symbolism for Neptune involves underground liquids including oil, and the American military presence around the world, including and most obviously of course, Iraq, is very coincident with global oil supplies. Even with Viet Nam, there was untapped oil off the coast. Columbia also has oil, and U.S. military aid there exceeds many first world commitments. This connection between oil and the military represents yet another reflection of the Mars – Neptune square in the U.S. chart.
This Mars – Neptune square has been triggered by several recent factors. In the first years of the Iraq war, Pluto in Sagittarius opposed Mars and squared Neptune. Currently there is the aspect of transiting Uranus in opposition to U.S. Neptune, further emphasized by this month's transits, especially the June 10th First Quarter Moon.
Deception in the case of the military has a recent history as well. Recently there was the case of Pat Tillman, the national celebrity football hero and poster boy for the military, who was killed by friendly fire and received the Silver Star posthumously in a failed attempt to cover up the circumstances of his death. Before that, in the early going, there was the filmed 'rescue' of Private Jessica Lynch from an Iraqi hospital where she was being treated for wounds she received in a car accident, and whose handlers were happy to turn her over to the Americans. They had tried once and been repelled by American fire. The soldiers were filmed blazing away as they charged the hospital. Her wounds were said to be resulting from her capture by enemy combatants. All this came out, eventually, in the press, adding more fuel to the fire of charges that the United States had manipulated information in the early conduct of the war and especially in the run-up to it.
Of course the most recent disclosure is from the man who was White House spokesman during that phase of the war, Scott McClellan, whose book, just published, is another black eye for this criminal administration. He charges that the intelligence was manipulated leading up to the onset of war. His book was published within a few days of the retrograde of Mercury near U.S. Mars and square U.S. Neptune.
For more information regarding the details of these stories from the perspective of 2004, see my article, The Ides of June.
For an excellent reference work on the meaning of the U.S. chart in general, and its Neptune and Pluto placements in particular, see Jessica Murray's terrific new book Soul-Sick Nation, available from Amazon.
Finally, as a backdrop to current events here in the U.S. I'd like to present a couple of links. We first put these out last April. You might regard the information contained in this radio and video presentation to be obvious and old news, or else entirely shocking and disturbing, perhaps even unbelievable, depending on your orientation, but I ask you to in any case bear witness with an open mind.
The first is an interview with Caroline Casey regarding a book called The Shell Game, a book by Steve Alten. The February 15, 2007 show is also great, an interview with Jan Fonda, and there is also a two-part interview with Rick Tarnas on the Astrology of outer planet combinations through history. Steve Alten - February 21, 2008 Show »
The second is a 1 1/2 hour video on the 9-11 truth movement, a presentation by respected scholar David Ray Griffin »